Пятница , 19 апреля 2024
Главная / Без рубрики / Russia has imposed restrictions on import of some Armenian goods

Russia has imposed restrictions on import of some Armenian goods

Since November 25, 2015 the import of certain goods from Armenia to Russia has been limited. The reason for the introduction of the regime, according to the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of the Russian Federation, is the unstable epizootic situation in Armenia and the high risk of dissemination of dangerous animal diseases.

According to these requirements, only products of those enterprises that are included in the Register of the Customs Union and have the appropriate accreditation will be able to cross the border of the Russian Federation.

The press service of the Ulyanovsk department of the State Supervision Service on the state border and transport of the Russian Federation has told RUSARMINFO that the restrictions are imposed because of hoof-and-mouth diseases and African swine fever in Armenia.

Note: Only products from the enterprises controlled by the State Veterinary Service of Armenia can be imported into the territory of Russia. They are: heat-treated dairy products, fish and aquatic animals, poultry, meat products, poultry, beef and mutton.

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