Четверг , 7 ноября 2024
Главная / Без рубрики / Peach Paradise: Armenia to start fruit farms

Peach Paradise: Armenia to start fruit farms

This year’s harvest of fruit has reached its peak, convincing the representatives of the Armenian agribusiness that fruit production remains profitable. The Armenian Ministry of Agriculture has also supported the development of this industry, proposing the «Armenian Fruit» («AF») project, aimed at improving the efficiency of land use through the development of fruit growing.

Bets are placed mainly on peaches and nectarines, which grow well in the climate of Armenia and have high demands among importers.

The «AF» project is developed with the support of the International Fund for Agricultural Development and will be implemented in test mode in three regions of Armenia (Tavush, Vayots Dzor and Aragatsotn). As part of this project, smallholders will be able to rent out their land, which will be planted with fruit trees by the «AF» means. The expenditures will be compensated for the future harvest. After the reimbursement of investments, the gardens will be returned to their owners and used on a cooperative basis.

According to the official data, the total investment in the development of the «Armenian fruit» project is about $ 13 million. The project is expected to involve 465 farmers.

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