Georgia’s President Giorgi Margvelashvili considers the sanctions against Russia as a political message about the unacceptability of Russia’s policy. According to him, it’s necessary not only to maintain but also to strengthen them. «The sole purpose of the imposition of sanctions is to end the war on the territory of Ukraine. The purpose of sanctions is inadmissible occupation of the Crimea and, in general, Russia’s aggressive actions against its neighbors, and the unacceptability of military operations. Consequently, the sanctions should not only be preserved, but also should strengthen the political message to Russia about the unacceptability of policies of this type. We expect more consolidation around the unacceptability of such a policy in Russia,» stressed Giorgi Margvelashvili at a joint press conference after meeting with Austrian President Heinz Fischer. According to him, Georgia is not receiving benefits, on the contrary, the economic problems in Russia have a negative impact on the economy, but the purpose of these sanctions is very clear.
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