The leader of the Armenian chess team Levon Aronyan ranked eighth in the current FIDE rating with the coefficient of 2780.1. Top 100 still heads Norwegian Magnus Carlsen (2876.0). On the top ten list are Italian Fabio Caruana (2805.2), the Indian Viswanathan Anand (2804.0), Bulgarian Veselin Topalov (2798.0), Hikaru Nakamura of the United States (2797.6), then followed by Russians Aleksander Grischuk (2783.2) and Vladimir Kramnik (2782.8). On the ninth place is American Wesley So (2778.0), and on the tenth — Dutch Anish Giri (2770.5), as reports “Novosti – Armenia”. Note: Levon Aronyan is the world champion in Rapid Chess (2009), Blitz World champion (2010) and winner of the World Team Championship (2011).
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